Privacy Policy

Safeguarding Your Personal Information with Commitment and Care
V 1.0 - Nov 7th, 2023

We at Doutore LLC (“We”, “Us”, “Our Company”) value your privacy and are committed to keeping your personal data confidential. We use your data solely in the context of providing The Assistant Doctor application and web portal (the “Platform”) and all of its content and functionality (collectively, the “Services”) for use by qualified healthcare professionals (“Provider Users”).

This Privacy Policy applies to personal data our company collects from users of the Assistant Doctor Platform and the services. “Personal Data” includes any information that can be used on its own or with other information in combination to identify or contact one of our users. We believe that transparency about the use of your personal data is of utmost importance. In this Privacy Policy, we provide you detailed information about our collection, use, maintenance, and disclosure of your personal data. The Policy explains what kind of information we collect, when and how we might use your personal data, how we protect personal data, and your rights regarding your personal data.

If you do not agree with this Policy, you must not use any of our Services. If you change your mind in the future, you must stop using the Services and you may exercise your rights concerning your Personal Information as set out in this Policy.

What we collect and why

Identity and access

When you sign up for Assistant Doctor, we ask for your email address and profession, which helps us to understand the context of the transcriptions you'll be making and to tailor our services accordingly. This information also enables us to send you critical updates about our service. With your consent, we might send you our newsletter, conduct surveys to understand your experience better, or contact you regarding our service enhancements.

We will never sell your personal information to third parties. The utilization of your information will be strictly confined to the improvement and provision of our services.

Billing information

If you opt for any paid features within Assistant Doctor, you will be asked to provide your payment information and billing address. Credit card information is submitted directly to our payment processor and does not traverse Assistant Doctor's servers. We retain a record of the payment transaction, including the last 4 digits of the credit card number, for purposes of account history, invoicing, and billing support. Your billing address is stored to manage charges for the service, calculate any sales tax due, dispatch invoices, and detect fraudulent credit card transactions. Occasionally, we may utilize aggregate billing information to steer our marketing efforts, ensuring that we reach potential users effectively.

Product interactions

We store on our servers the content that you upload, including voice recordings and transcriptions, within your Assistant Doctor account. This is to ensure that you can use our service as intended, for instance, to have conversations transcribed and to review these transcriptions later. By default, we have a retention policy of 30 days for voice recordings, post which they will be deleted. However, depending on the plan you choose, a different retention policy may apply to your data.

General Geolocation data

For Assistant Doctor, we log the full IP address used during the account creation to mitigate any potential spammy signups in the future. Additionally, we log all account access by full IP address for security, fraud prevention purposes, and to ensure a safe user environment. This login data is retained for as long as your Assistant Doctor account is active. These measures are in place to provide a secure and reliable service while safeguarding the integrity of our platform and the privacy of our users.

Website interactions

We collect information regarding your browsing activity on the Assistant Doctor platform for analytics, statistical purposes, and to continually enhance our service. This includes details such as your browser and operating system versions, your IP address, the web pages you visited within our platform, the load time of these pages, and the referral website if any. If you have an account and are signed in, these web analytics data are associated with your IP address and user account until your account is no longer active. The aim is to understand user behavior, improve our service, and optimize user experience. Importantly, we do not analyze or use Protected Health Information (PHI) for these analytical purposes. These analytical practices are further elaborated in the Advertising and Cookies section.

Anti-bot assessments

We may employ CAPTCHA technology within Assistant Doctor applications to thwart brute force login attempts and provide a level of spam protection. Our legitimate interest lies in safeguarding our application and the broader online community from credential stuffing attacks and spam. When you log into your Assistant Doctor account or fill in certain forms within our platform, the CAPTCHA service assesses various pieces of information (e.g., IP address, duration on the app, mouse movements) to ascertain whether the activity stems from an automated program rather than a human. The CAPTCHA service then supplies us with the spam score results; however, we do not have access to the evaluated information. This practice is intended to maintain a secure and user-friendly environment within Assistant Doctor.

Advertising and Cookies

Assistant Doctor engages in advertising campaigns on various third-party platforms such as Google, Facebook, Reddit and LinkedIn. Users who click on one of our ads will be directed to the Assistant Doctor website. Where permissible under law, we may initiate an ad-company script on their browsers that sets a third-party cookie and sends information to the ad network. This enables the evaluation of the effectiveness of our ads, e.g., which ad was clicked and which keyword triggered the ad, and whether they performed certain actions such as clicking a button or submitting a form.

We also utilize persistent first-party cookies and some third-party cookies to store certain preferences, facilitate your use of our applications, perform A/B testing, and support analytics to enhance user experience.

A cookie is a piece of text stored by your browser that may help remember login information and site preferences. It might also collect information such as your browser type, operating system, web pages visited, duration of visit, content viewed, and other click-stream data. You have the ability to adjust cookie retention settings and accept or block individual cookies in your browser settings. However, it's important to note that certain features of Assistant Doctor may not function properly if cookies are turned off.

Voluntary correspondence

When you email Assistant Doctor with a question or to ask for help, we retain that correspondence, including your email address, to have a history of past interactions should you reach out in the future. This allows us to provide a more tailored and efficient support service.

Additionally, we store any information you may volunteer, for instance, written responses to surveys which help us improve our services. If you agree to participate in customer interviews, we may ask for your permission to record the conversation for future reference or use. Rest assured, we will only proceed with recording with your express consent, respecting your privacy and preferences throughout the process.

When we access or disclose your information

To provide products or services you’ve requested. We employ third-party subprocessors to aid in running our applications and providing the Services to you. These include services for transcription, advertising, potential newsletters, and customer surveys. The subprocessors we use are pivotal in delivering our service, such as facilitating audio-to-text conversions, and ensuring accurate transcriptions. You can view the list of third-party subprocessors at Company processors.

We may disclose your information at your direction if you integrate a third-party service into your use of our products. For example, connecting a third-party email account to receive notifications or updates. Your interactions, in this case, would be governed by the privacy policy of the third-party service.

No Assistant Doctor human personnel accesses your content except for limited purposes with your express permission, for instance, if an error halts an automated process and manual intervention is required to resolve it. In such rare cases, we pursue root cause solutions to prevent recurrence. We may also access your data if required to respond to legal process.

To exclude you from seeing our ads. Where permissible by law and if you have an Assistant Doctor account, we may share a one-way hash of your email address with advertising companies to exclude you from seeing our ads.

To help you troubleshoot or squash a software bug, with your permission. If at any point we need to access your content to assist you with a support case, we will seek your consent before proceeding.

To investigate, prevent, or take action regarding restricted uses. Accessing a customer’s account when investigating potential abuse is a measure of last resort. Our priority is to uphold the privacy and safety of our customers and the individuals reporting issues, striving to balance these responsibilities throughout the process. If we discover restricted use of our products, we will act as necessary, which may include notifying appropriate authorities.

Aggregated and de-identified data. We may aggregate and/or de-identify information collected through the services. Such de-identified or aggregated data may be used for any purpose, including but not limited to, marketing or analytics.

When required under applicable law. Assistant Doctor operates under jurisdictional laws and all data infrastructure is compliant with necessary legal frameworks.

  • Requests for user data. We adhere to a strict policy of not responding to government requests for user data unless compelled by legal process or in limited emergency circumstances. In the event of a legal request from a U.S. law enforcement authority, compliance will be in line with U.S. law. For international requests, we will respond only if directed by the U.S. government through established legal assistance treaties or agreements. It is our policy to notify affected users before data disclosure unless legally prohibited, barring some emergency scenarios.
  • Preservation requests. Compliance with requests to preserve data is in accordance with the U.S. Federal Stored Communications Act, or a properly served U.S. subpoena for civil matters. We will not disclose preserved data unless required by law or compelled by a court order. Any preserved customer data will be destroyed at the end of the preservation period unless a proper warrant, court order, or subpoena is received beforehand.
  • If audited by a tax authority, disclosure of billing-related information will be limited to the minimum required, such as billing addresses and tax exemption information.

In the event that Assistant Doctor is acquired by or merges with another company, we will notify you well in advance before any of your personal information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Your rights with respect to your information

We aim to extend the same data rights to all users, irrespective of their geographical location. Here's a summary of these rights:

  • Right to Know: You possess the right to be informed about the personal information being collected, utilized, shared, or sold. This privacy policy outlines both the categories and specific pieces of data we collect, as well as their utilization.
  • Right of Access: This encompasses your right to access the personal information we gather about you, and your right to obtain information regarding the sharing, storage, security, and processing of that information.
  • Right to Correction: You have the right to request correction of your personal information.
  • Right to Erasure / "To Be Forgotten": Subject to certain limitations under applicable law, this is your right to request that your personal information be erased from our records and, by extension, from all of our service providers. Fulfilling some data deletion requests may hinder your use of Assistant Doctor services as certain functionalities may cease to operate. In such scenarios, a data deletion request may result in the closure of your account.
  • Right to Complain: You have the right to file a complaint concerning our handling of your personal information with the appropriate supervisory authority.
  • Right to Restrict Processing: This is your right to request restriction of how and why your personal information is used or processed, including opting out of the sale of your personal information. (Note: We never have and never will sell your personal data.)
  • Right to Object: In particular situations, you have the right to object to how or why your personal information is processed.
  • Right to Portability: You have the right to receive the personal information we hold about you and the right to transmit it to another party. If you wish to export data from your account, you can do so by contacting our support.
  • Right to not Be Subject to Automated Decision-Making: You possess the right to object to and prevent any decision that could have a legal or similarly significant effect on you from being made solely based on automated processes. This right is limited if the decision is essential for the execution of any contract between you and us, is permitted by applicable law, or is based on your explicit consent.

You can exercise many of these rights by signing in and updating your account information. Certain information may be exempt from such requests under applicable law, as we need to retain specific information to provide our services to you.

In some instances, we may also need to take reasonable steps to verify your identity before responding to a request. This verification may include, at a minimum, depending on the sensitivity of the information you are requesting and the type of request you are making, verifying your name and email address. If we are unable to verify your identity, we may be unable to respond to your requests. If you have questions about exercising these rights or need assistance, please contact Us as indicated below. If an authorized agent is corresponding on your behalf, we will require written consent with a signature from the account holder before proceeding.

How we secure your data

All data is encrypted via SSL/TLS when transmitted from our servers to your browser. Moreover, our database and storage disk is encrypted to further ensure the security of your information. This includes any recordings or transcriptions made through the Assistant Doctor service.

How long we store your information?

We keep your information for the time necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The length of time for which we retain information depends on the purposes for which we collected and use it and your choices, after which time we may delete and/or aggregate it. We may also retain and use this information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. Through this policy, we have provided specific retention periods for certain types of information.

What happens when you cancel your account?

Should you decide to delete your account, we will delete all associated content immediately to ensure your privacy and data security. This applies both for cases when an account owner directly cancels and for accounts that are canceled due to other reasons. The immediate deletion of data is part of our commitment to your privacy and compliance with data protection standards.

Where your data is stored?

Our products, servers and other web properties are operated in the United States.If you are located in the European Union, UK, Switzerland or elsewhere outside of the United States, please be aware that any information you provide to us will be transferred to and stored in the United States. By using our websites or Services and/or providing us with your personal information, you consent to this transfer.

California Residents

California residents may request and obtain from Us, once a year, free of charge, a list of third parties, if any, to which We disclosed their Personal Data for direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year and the categories of Personal Data shared with those third parties. If You are a California resident and wish to obtain that information, please submit Your request by sending Us an email at <email> with “California Privacy Rights” in the subject line


The Service and Website are not targeted at children, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from individuals under the age of 18.

If We learn that Personal Data from users less than 18 years of age has been collected, We will deactivate the account and take reasonable measures to promptly delete such data from Our records. If you are aware of a user under the age of 18 using the Web Site, in violation of this Policy, please contact Us as indicated below.


We may update this policy as needed to comply with relevant regulations and reflect any new practices.

Whenever we make a significant change to our policies, we will refresh the date at the top of this page and take any other appropriate steps to notify users.

Contact Us

Have any questions, comments, or concerns about this privacy policy, your data, or your rights with respect to your information? Please get in touch by emailing us at and we’ll be happy to try to answer them!
